The students of University of Lagos who stay on the campus hostels have raised a defiant fist to Bedbugs and the school management.
"Enough is enough" Was the mantra as almost students from all hostels woke up by 2:00am to protest and demand for a change to all the bunks and beds in their hostels.
The protest which started at Sodeinde hostel made its way to Makama and and Madam Tinubu Halls before visiting Eni Njoku and others.
Their purpose is clear, their songs are one, their voices have hit a crescendo. We wait to see if the school management will listen to their cry or turn a deaf eye.

"Enough is enough" Was the mantra as almost students from all hostels woke up by 2:00am to protest and demand for a change to all the bunks and beds in their hostels.
The protest which started at Sodeinde hostel made its way to Makama and and Madam Tinubu Halls before visiting Eni Njoku and others.
Their purpose is clear, their songs are one, their voices have hit a crescendo. We wait to see if the school management will listen to their cry or turn a deaf eye.